How Casual Advertising “Isms” Poison Your Money Beliefs
From our first cry to our last breath, we have targets on our backs.
New parents are given baby product samples at the hospital. Their 18-year spending spree has just begun. Our birth is not just recorded by the Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics but also cheered by the marketing databases, for a new consumer has been born.
There is no escape.
Tiny Windfalls, Curses, and Weird Money Beliefs
Unless it’s lying in vomit or dog poop, I will always pick up loose change.
The only other exception to that “if, then” rule (if I see a coin, I pick it up) was during rush hour at Grand Central Terminal in NYC. As I headed towards the corner exit at 42nd street and Vanderbilt, I spotted a suspiciously large number of coins strewn on the ground. A bunch of people with clipboards loitered nearby, trying to look nonchalant and failing.
I smelled a trap.
Fruits of Our Labor
I grew up with a lot of stories about work.
I hung out in garages, airports, and hotels while my parents ran their rent-a-car business and learned how to deal with irate customers, flat tires, and accidents.
I listened to stories about my 8th-grade educated grandfather, a hayseed from Tennessee, who worked his way up from Wall Street messenger boy to owning a seat on the New York Stock Exchange.
How Not to Hate Your Financial Advisor
I posed a not-so-innocent question on social media:
“What's the one thing you hate most about financial advisors/financial educators/financial services?
Don't be shy. Let it rip.”
And boy, did you ever.
How to Steward a Financial Windfall
I count my blessings.
Among them, my grandparents paid for my Princeton degree, my dad having predeceased them when I was 15. They had the means to do so, and thankfully they valued education. And because I graduated in 1983, before college cost more than a small country’s GDP, money was leftover.
But at the age of 25, I treated that windfall like a hot potato.
I wasn’t ungrateful.
I was afraid.
A 4-Step Framework for Taking Action When You Feel Stuck so You Can Live a Full Life
I toggle between hurtling through life and stuckness.
The hurtling resulted in building a $2.5B institutional money management firm from scratch. The stuckness strikes when I feel conflicted between what I want and someone else’s often unspoken desires. I find myself paralyzed, afraid to create disappointment, disapproval, and abandonment.
Here’s what being a successful stockpicker for decades taught me about taking action rather than wallowing in paralysis: