I built a $2.5B money management firm from scratch, flying my freak flag high. It had a weird name, a non-Wall Street culture, and a quirky communication style. For years, we crushed it.


In 1995, when I founded Daruma, only a handful of women of color owned their firms. I had to noodle out running a business, all while duking it out with Mr. Market daily and raising a family. It wasn’t easy. 

In 2014 I pitched investment ideas before 5,000 people at Lincoln Center. I was a speaker at the Ira Sohn conference, a charitable fundraiser that is a marquee event in the investing world. Daruma was at its peak. 

What I didn’t know then: I was on the brink of menopause, suffering from burnout, and about to get divorced. In 2019 I closed my business. I learned a lot from that too.

Today I mentor women who want to start a business, better manage their finances, or work through a tricky patch in life or business. 

I grew up in the middle of my parents’ small businesses in the French Caribbean and Hawai‘i. I have analyzed thousands of companies and interviewed hundreds of company managements over my 30-year career as a bottom-up small-cap stock picker. Business is in my bones. 

My mother’s parents came from Okinawa to work in the plantations, bought themselves out of indentured servitude, and owned a pig farm. From them, I learned about perseverance, grit, and endurance. I fight the lessons they passed on to me about silence and women’s place in society.

My father’s parents moved to New York from Tennessee and South Carolina. My grandfather was a self-made man, and my grandmother ruled the household in only the way a woman with thwarted ambition can. From them, I learned the virtues of prudent investing and the cost of stifling a woman’s drive.

I am also a poet, hypnotist, hula dancer, and serve as Treasurer on the Board of the Asian American Writers’ Workshop.

Contact Mariko for more info.


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