If You Want a Successful Capital Raise Do Not Use These Sleazy Sales Techniques

Entrapment Does Not Make For Good Business

I almost fell for the con.

To be fair, I’ve been traveling and distracted. So when I got an email from a dude saying only “I hope we can set up a time to talk”. I replied politely when I saw that he was with an investment firm.

I coach investment professionals, so am used to inbound inquiries.

While his message was terse and cryptic, I gave him the benefit of the doubt because I was in a hurry. Clearly, he could use some coaching on communication skills. 🤣Being accommodating, I asked for dates and times that would work for him.

His power-play reply should have tipped me off.

He gave me only one date and time with no color commentary. It made no sense to be this brusque when he was the one asking for my time. I must have been looking forward to landing a new client because I explained it away as a Hemingway complex.

I was wrong.

I was booked and offered another time. His reply: “4:30 works.”

By this point, my early warning system finally got through to my addled, multi-tasking brain.

Dude never said WHY he was contacting me.

It’s just good etiquette to state your business. Whether it’s with too few or too many words, when you knock on someone’s door, you tell them why.

I felt slimed.

So I asked, “What’s the agenda?”

“I will send our presentation with the zoom link (course you will, because you’re afraid if you send it before I’ll pick it apart and get to a hell no before you can talk me into it)…we are trying to raise a long-short equity and credit fund…”.

Bingo! I flushed the rabbit.

I replied “Are you trying to pitch me or hiring me to help you with your pitch deck? If the former, I’m not interested. If the latter, let’s talk.”

Is this what they teach in bro marketing school?🙄

Does it really work to say as little as possible to fool the unwary into a call, use manipulative techniques to trap the easygoing, then try to talk them into investing?

I read their website carefully to find out. Uh, good luck buddy. You’re going to need some coaching before you’re successful. 🤣

For more thoughts and ideas on financial intimacy, subscribe to my weekly newsletter Cultivating Your Riches.

Mariko Gordon, CFA

I built a $2.5B money management firm from scratch, flying my freak flag high. It had a weird name, a non-Wall Street culture, and a quirky communication style. For years, we crushed it. Read More »


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