Week 3 of Round-up of Feng Shui Your Financial House

Happy Solstice!

A Gift to Brighten Your Money in 2023

This money questionnaire will help you trace your heritage narratives about money and stewarding wealth.

These create deeply held and often unconscious beliefs that influence your every money decision.

Take a few minutes on the longest night of the year to unravel your ancestral money stories.

Let new ones rise up for the new year.

Thank you for being a subscriber.

Every time I open up a blank google doc, I feel a spark of joy.

For the longest time (years!), whenever I sat down to write, I would fire up google and then change the font and size from the default Arial 11 to Nunito Sans 14. It took seconds and just a few keystrokes, but I did it Every. Single. Time. I opened a document.

It was
The Groundhog Day of annoyances.

I half-heartedly poked around, trying to change the default a few times, but it wasn’t intuitive, so I gave up quickly.

One day, I reached my breaking point.

There HAD to be a way to change the default settings in Google docs, and if I had to spend all day figuring it out, I would. For whatever reason, that was the moment I decided to persevere until I fixed it.

Commitment to action was required.

I resolved to invest more than a couple of clicks to figure out how to change the damn settings. So I googled it, and sure enough, there were a million people just dying to show me how.

In 3 minutes, I changed my settings.

I have a lovely teacher (literally) on YouTube to thank. But when I think of how much time I wasted compared to the time it took to learn how to do it, I felt stupid.

Why was I willing to put up with discomfort for so long?

Why did I give up learning how to do it so quickly?

What was the resistance to investing the time and finding out?

Why was a minor inconvenience more compelling than a dollop of ease?

The good news about having “suffered” for so long is that I am ridiculously thrilled when I see my desired font and size pop up. 

The bad news? 

If that’s how strong the resistance is to a gnat of discomfort, think of the Gargantuan force needed to overcome resistance to fixing something more painful.

Like a chronic money challenge.

It’s OK. You’re only human. 

You’ll be ready when you’re ready. And when you are, you’ll kick ass. 

In the meantime, learn about all the things you can tackle when you’ve finally had enough by reading Week 3 of Feng Shui Your Financial House:

15. The Dangers of Being Asset Rich and Cash Poor

16. Fix Leaky Holes in Your Expense Bucket, Boost Your Self-Esteem

17. Make Sure Your Money Goes Where You Want When You Pass On

18. Don’t Leave Money on the Table

19. Do You Need Disability Insurance?

20. Invite Your Money Demons to Tea

21. How to Tell if YOu’re Taking Inadvertent Risk

For more thoughts and ideas on financial intimacy, subscribe to my weekly newsletter Cultivating Your Riches.

Mariko Gordon, CFA

I built a $2.5B money management firm from scratch, flying my freak flag high. It had a weird name, a non-Wall Street culture, and a quirky communication style. For years, we crushed it. Read More »


Week 4 of Round-up of Feng Shui Your Financial House


Week 2 of Round-up of Feng Shui Your Financial House