6 Benefits To Knowing The True Purpose Of Your Business

Birthing a business is not just applying math for capitalists. 

Every entrepreneur has a reason from the heart. Unspoken, at times hidden even from ourselves, there’s the true reason why we’ve taken the plunge and embraced the unknown. It’s a creative expression of our deepest longing. 

Do not let the beancounters shame you for having a soul.

When I started Daruma, my money-management business, my true motivation was to prove that a female and minority-owned firm who “didn’t belong” on Wall Street could be successful with a culture of collaboration. Everything we did, from how we managed our portfolio, to how we prioritized investments over asset gathering, to how transparently we spoke to clients, flowed from this desire. 

Your soul-level motivation will keep you going when it’s tough.

Running a business is not all rainbows and unicorns. In times of crisis, the need to keep the lights on is plenty motivating. But some periods feel more like battling a chronic health issue than having a heart attack. That’s when your mission and calling powers you through the slog.

Knowing your higher purpose will make decisions easy.

When you follow a north star, you have fewer, easier decisions to make. The answers are obvious. If you are all about pink elephants, you ignore anything involving green giraffes, and all your choices support the well-being of pink elephants. 

You also keep your focus, waste no energy, and don’t work at cross purposes. Bonus! You stand out from the competition when your actions align with your calling.

Photo credit: "libr0898" by NOAA Photo Library is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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Mariko Gordon, CFA

I built a $2.5B money management firm from scratch, flying my freak flag high. It had a weird name, a non-Wall Street culture, and a quirky communication style. For years, we crushed it. Read More »


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