8 Times Up


8 Times Up is a compilation of monthly newsletters I wrote about being an institutional investor. I share the lessons learned from duking it out with Mr. Market every day over a 30+ year career.

“Seven Times Down, Eight Times Up” is a famous Zen koan (riddle) associated with Daruma, the founder of Zen Buddhism.

Every time you get knocked down, you bounce back. Each setback teaches you something valuable — the sum of your comebacks is greater than the sum of your setbacks.

Daruma embodies the focus, discipline, and resilience needed to reach one’s goals. He is the namesake for the firm I founded in 1995 and closed in 2019.

In that time, I focused on small-cap stocks, building a concentrated portfolio of no more than 35 stocks from the bottom up. At our peak, Daruma managed $2.5 Billion in assets for public and corporate pension funds, foundations and endowments.


Copyright © Mariko Osceola Gordon, 2017 — All Rights Reserved

This book, or any portion thereof, may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher.